Fear of a facelift?

Fear of a facelift?

It occurred to me while answering a patient’s question. It was a moment of truth, almost an epiphany……….

Patients are afraid of ‘FACELIFT’. Many of my new patients would interrupt me during our first consultation and say, ‘Oh I don’t want a full facelift’. It took me  a while to understand that patients are afraid of a facelift. The question was why? My curiosity led me to asking my patients, ‘Why are you afraid of a facelift?’

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About Dr Janjua

About Dr Janjua

Dr. Janjua is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon. He was trained in Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery – at Yale University. He then did a fellowship in “Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery” in California under the auspices of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. He has authored numerous papers in prestigious medical journals, as well as…

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