You will be sent an email with a link to our new patient paperwork as pictured below: Click on the link provided.
You will then be redirected to another site as depicted below:
Fill out your name and email address. Then click on “Get Started”.
You will be redirected to the “Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure” page (pictured below). After reading the disclosure, Click “I Consent”.
It will take you to the Registration form in which you are required to click “Got It” and then “Let’s Go”.
At this point you will start filling out the patient registration information. Note that the required fields are denoted with a red triangle in the corner. These fields must be filled out. If it is not applicable to you, put in N/A (not applicable) in the field since it is a required field and it will not allow you to submit the form at the end.
After completing the form, click done to submit the form.