
Dr. Janjua Receives First Patent for Medical Device

Join us in congratulating Dr. Janjua on receiving his first patent! Dr. J has been working hard on a device that stops severe nose bleeds and now he has patented the device.

Watch this short video from our YouTube channel where he explains what the device does, the journey to receive the patent, and his plans for the future of this device.

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for future updates, as well as following Dr. J on Facebook and Instagram.

About Dr. Tanveer Janjua

Dr. Tanveer Janjua is a recognized leader in the facial plastic surgery.  He currently practices at Janjua Facial Surgery in Bedminster, New Jersey.  More about Dr. Janjua…

Dr. Tanveer A. Janjua is a New Jersey based facial plastic surgeon who specializes in faceliftblepharoplastyrhinoplasty anhttps://janjuafacialsurgery.com/meet-dr-janjua/d other facial surgery services.

His main office location in Bedminister, NJ — within easy access from Morris and Somerset County, New Jersey and New York City. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us toll-free at 877-JANJUA1.